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Monthly Archives: May 2007

a birdy told me the shirts are done.

buy online at


made up of my homies Ceschi, David, Tommy V, Xololanxinxo, Danny, and Max. These guys kill. If you don’t think so that’s cool but just go and buy the album. A video for your pleasure.

thanks kama!

I like Spider Man!!!!!!!

I hate to read but for some reason every now and then there’s a book i will read(but not if there’s a movie coming out, I would never read Davinci Code or a Harry Potter). But past a book in Boarders and bought it and started to read the shit out of it.

Russell Simmons is not really my hero but i respect his hustle. Met him at a Demo(no i don’t shop there) instore meet and greet. Bought his first book just to have something for him to sign. Ended up being the only book i’ve finished in three days. Go buy it. If you don’t like it donate it to the library or give it to me.

Jesus loves YOU!