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Monthly Archives: December 2007

my homie bunsen is a weirdo but he gets my props for this. big ups to the sponsors and everyone that entered! Will do it again next year! Happy Birthday Jesus. Now don’t blow up your fingers with the fireworks! Double Luck!

first off happy holidays, MERRY CHRISTMAS! and let the party begin. started partying last night. Won $25 playing no limit poker. seen some old friends. ate dope food. its all good.

well back in the day(AND STILL) my goal was to be sponsored by dope companies and get free gear. Well i aint sponsored but im blessed to know a few people that make dope stuff. Now i know holidays is all about giving and not getting but lets face is GETTING is DOPE TOO!!!!! So get yours! Check out and enter the Holiday giveaway. Big ups to all the sponsors for the hookups. If you win you win ALL the close in your size. Not 1 shirt, a GRIP of shirts or whatevers! And the grand prize is one of those hand painted ANGRY WOEBOTS posters that was flying like crazy at his hat release! So enter. send the email whatever bunsen said to do. God Bless and be safe busting them fireworks. See you in Don Quiote.

buying drinks for the big party.  I am all about recycling and HI5.  But having to calculate the bottling fee when spending other people’s money kinda sucks but the ‘aina(don’t know how to kahako on this thing) is more important.  SUPER STOKED! see you friday!  

while kicking it with some of my little keiki homies the other day catching bus to work was a trip. If you miss the 40 you gotta wait 30 minutes if you lucky for the next one, 1 hour if you going night time. But what you gonna do during them 30 minutes. Well they building a new UH down the highway from my house so shitloads of trucks stop by. One of the little fellas didn’t believe that if you make that horn pulling motion with your arm the truckers would honk for him. Well he tried half ass kind and standing behind a tree don’t help. But once he got the courage to stand on the sidewalk and actually got one truck to honk he was killing it. Truck drivers bus ass and make choke money but they always down to make some noise! Sorry Kapolei if them horns woke you up but you wasn’t home anyways. You probably Christmas shopping and making traffic jams.

man i am so not ready for Jesus’ Birthday. And i still looking for fireworks too!

im glad we got rain and not snow. Hawaii peeps can’t drive for shiznits. Took long time last night to get to Waikele from Pearl City and was only drizzling. Almost made my ahi poke bowl warm. Anywho i just picked up this sick Upper Playground umbrella from Exclusive. SF colors! Matches the lightsleepers SF Drip shirt. Now if I can only make LIGHTSLEEPERS umbrellas then that would be sicker. Its gonna happen. I claim it in Jesus name! Gonna be like them big ones the banks make for golfers. Makes good stocking stuffer. You can go buy me another one. I would be stoked.

Are you ready for Jesus’ birthday?

but i told Bunsen Honeydew to put her in the ikandy tote for an photo shoot. I get mean eye. Can enter The Shot on VH1 since i no more Shot at Love with Tila Show da Boobs! Now if I only had a camera.

Stopped by APB last night and seen these bad boys. Yeah i bought them. Im gonna throw them on my new tokidoki deck maybe.

New APB video “THE STRUGGLE” coming soon!!!!!

Super stoked last night caught the episode of Run’s house that i missed last week with Kid Rock buying guitars and killing Hooters wings(add that to my Christmas wish list!) then change the channel to watch I Love New York 2(I know that’s a train wreck but that’s why i watch so yeah im a sucker) and seeing so called Christians (Sister Paterson) doing stupid shit like macking on the dudes dad to start drama with his mom and lying about some other incident. Then I hung around long enough for Gotti’s Way. Now i gotta say one thing. I never EVER bought a murder inc. record. never BURNED a murder inc. song. They irrelevant to me. But i do like a few Lloyd songs and them signing Vanessa Carlton makes it kinda hard cus she dope. Anywho i gotta give it up to Irv for letting people tape his life. Especially cus he knows he’s an asshole. I’m an asshole too so i don’t think i could stand for people to see me blow up and shit like that. But man he treats his wife like SHIT! All you guys gonna get MARRIED then thats for life bitches. Cheat on girlfriends. Marriage is one time pau. Watch this clip and see what i mean. THEN WATCH RUN’S HOUSE TO SEE A GOOD EXAMPLE (but he did have a previous marriage too! Maybe was before he got saved.) God is LOVE! Rev. Run.


Man that game was killer and made me all sick for the first half. But a win is a win. GO Bows. I gotta say a huge BIG UPS TO SHIROKIYA for letting people stay after closing. I had a blast and all the other customers did too!